Bluebeard’s Castle, Sydney Opera House

“This is a spine chilling hour to take your breath away.” Steve Moffatt, Daily Telegraph, Bluebeard’s Castle.

“This striking production by director Andy Morton and associate director Priscilla Jackman…gives the tautness of Bartok’s superb dramatic arc a shocking moment at the climactic opening of the fifth door – Bluebeard’s kingdom - and an initially chilling denouement (no spoilers – just go and see it).” Peter McCallum, SMH, Bluebeard’s Castle.

“The sparseness of the setting suits the uncompromising approach to the work. It also puts Bartók’s extraordinarily sensual, dramatically vivid score to the fore.  The opera lasts barely 60 minutes, which is probably just as well given the intensity of the experience. It is breath-holding, edge-of-the-seat stuff.” Deborah Jones, Limelight MagazineBluebeard’s Castle.

“But this was next level. I’m talking serious psychological thriller stuff. Together with my plus one and the whole opening night audience, at curtain close I was shocked and impressed, visibly disturbed and wide awake. This is a piece of theatre that elicits an emotional reaction, inspires thought and stimulates conversation.” Alicia Tripp, The Plus Ones, Bluebeard’s Castle.

La Bohème, Handa Opera on Sydney Harbour

“Morton steps up to the directing challenge with great flair and confidence. Above all the spectacle, of which there is plenty, he cultivates a tangible, authentic sense of camaraderie amongst the friends, and delivers a final scene that is genuinely moving.” Simon Parris, Man in a ChairLa Bohème.

“…against the odds, director Andy Morton has managed to pull off a moving and powerful production of Puccini’s greatest tear-jerker.” Helen Musa, City News, La Bohème.

 “Director Andy Morton does not fall into the trap of populace pleasing, letting effects and grandeur overshadow the drama of the opera. He zooms in from the earlier wide-lens city view and focuses closely on a much smaller domestic image, achieving in Act Four a depth of intimacy unexpected in such an open, grand setting. (It’s) entertaining, impressive and genuinely moving.” Alicia Tripp, The Plus Ones, La Bohème.

“Tiny little narratives play out across the stage, reminding us that Rodolfo and Mimi are just two lovers in a place teeming with life. At these moments, I recommend raising your eyes from the subtitles to simply drink in this nuanced scene work.” Emily Saint-Smith, The AU ReviewLa Bohème.

 “Though living up handsomely to the expectations of this now established spectacle with fireworks on cue, this production has some original twists that bring the sweetness and anxieties of youth closer to our own day.” Peter McCallum, Sydney Morning Herald, La Bohème.

 “This production of La Boheme is a remarkable achievement. Andy Morton’s inventive direction, Dan Potra’s imaginative sets and costumes, and the breathtaking Sydney skyline, provides an unequalled spectacle which has to be experienced to be fully appreciated.” Bill Stephens, Arts Review, La Bohème.

Here, Morton has Marcello with his back to the audience as Musetta holds all eyes with a blurred, red-gold haired closeup exacerbating her allure on the projection behind.  It’s just one of the beautifully staged moments that make the narrative so interesting.” Judith Greenaway , Sydney Arts Guide, La Bohème.

Suor Angelica, Paddington Uniting Church

“In (his) accomplished production, Morton is keen to highlight the brutality of a system where innocent girls are locked up for life as the price of a moral ‘fall from grace’.” Clive Paget, LimelightSuor Angelica.